7 Celebrity Moms Who Got Candid About Motherhood
These celebrity moms share both the ups and downs of motherhood.
Motherhood isn’t always full of laughter and smiles with the kids. A lot of times, there will be sleepless nights, snapping, fighting, and a ton of exhaustion. And these celebrity moms know it! Despite the glitz and glam we see on their Instagram feeds, they’re not afraid to be candid about motherhood in all its reality. Here are some celebrity moms who were not afraid to show the ups and downs of motherhood.
1. Kate Bernal-Dee
Following the birth of her son, Jeon Tyler, digital creator celebrity mom Kate Bernal-Dee recently shared on her Instagram a video about how sleepless nights are really a part of motherhood. Even though it’s her third child, Kate shows that as much as we love our kids, sleepless nights are never the fun part of it.
2. Katarina Rodriguez

Former beauty queen and celebrity mom Katarina Rodriguez became candid with us and shared her little nuggets of wisdom that she found in motherhood through an interview with Modern Parenting. “If you do experience postpartum blues, just remember that it’s normal. Let yourself feel it,” she shares during her recent interview last April.
3. Ryza Cenon

If there’s anyone who’s familiar with how exhaustion can hit moms like a truck, it’s GMA Actress and celebrity mom Ryza Cenon. She took to IG to share how that moment in motherhood crashed into her. “After feeding, bathing, and getting your kid to sleep, sometimes you find yourself just floating before getting back in the game again.”
4. Coleen Garcia

Celebrity mom Coleen Garcia always shares her motherhood moments with Amari. But she doesn’t just share the good ones. She shares the times when she was working and even the moment when she decided to return to the limelight. She’s not shy to even say what it’s like to breastfeed in her caption: “Part-time human, full-time baby buffet.”
5. Winwyn Marquez

Beauty queen, actress, and now joining the ranks among celebrity moms is Winwyn Marquez. Recently having her daughter, Luna, she’s been sharing vlogs and images of how motherhood has been like for her, admitting that she’s still adjusting to many things.
6. Solenn Heusaff

Not only candid, Solenn Heusaff sometimes finds a way to laugh about those MOMents with her husband Nico Bolzico. She’s also been very supportive and outspoken in helping moms overcome motherhood’s ugliest enemy: mum guilt.
7. Rica Peralejo Bonifacio
Sometimes, we get shocked when our kids countermand our wishes. But that’s something to expect according to celebrity mom Rica Peralejo. She shares on her vlog, “We’re not raising kids to be dependent on us but to be independent of us. Motherhood is bittersweet.”
Being candid about motherhood isn’t easy
A lot of times, moms are romanticized to be superheroes that people forget about all the hard work. It also doesn’t give us moms space to relax and oftentimes, we are shamed to get something for ourselves. But even with their status as celebrities, these moms know that no amount of glitz and glam will change how beautiful or how ugly motherhood can get.
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