Moms and Dads

All in the Name of Self-Care and Self-Love

Camille Prats-Yambao, Aliza Apostol-Goco, and Bianca Santiago-Reinoso share how a healthy body helps moms feel more confident and comfortable in their own skin, ultimately leading to a happier and healthier life.

This story about these celebrity moms working out first came out in Modern Parenting’s special Mother’s Day-Father’s Day 2023 Print Edition available on

As a mother, it’s easy to get lose yourself in the daily hustle of taking care of your family, leaving little time for personal fitness. And while moms are superheroes when it comes to how they manage to take care of everything that goes on in their family in a day, working out is an excellent form of me-time.

Making the time to stay fit doesn’t just benefit your physical health but can also positively impact your mental health and self-esteem. It also helps ensure that you are not pouring from an empty cup.

These fit and fab moms share their secrets on keeping up with an active lifestyle, how staying fit helps them keep up with their kids, and why fitness goes beyond aesthetics.

To read the full article, grab a copy of Modern Parenting’s special Mother’s Day-Father’s Day 2023 Print Edition. It’s available on Or you can download the e-Magazine from Readly or Press Reader.

Three moms in work out clothes

The journey begins with a purpose

“I’m always working out,” Camille, an actress, and host, shares, adding that she was inspired by Mars co-host Suzi Abrera. “She really inspired me because she’s really fit. She looks so good, especially for her age. When I saw her, I realized I also want to be like her, I also want to be able to take care of myself,” she says.

While Camille has always maintained an active lifestyle, the pandemic put extra pressure on her to get back into shape.

Being a new mom is also what led Bianca to seriously begin her fitness journey.

For Aliza, it was about listening to her body, switching gears, and understanding what her body needed.

To read the full article, grab a copy of Modern Parenting’s special Mother’s Day-Father’s Day 2023 Print Edition. It’s available on Or you can download the e-Magazine from Readly or Press Reader.

Working out as me-time

For these fit moms, working out is a chance for them to recharge so they can be the best they can be, especially at home.

“When the whole thing about ‘self-care’ and ‘having me-time’ became a movement, it resonated so much. You really can’t give from an empty cup, I realized. I [started working out] for myself, but I also did it for my kids,” Bianca reflects, adding that her moments of sadness and burnout from being a new mom was what prompted her to take care of herself.

Aliza, who works out every day, shares the same sentiments.

Meanwhile, for Camille, working out has become a family affair, sharing that one of the turning points was when her husband adopted an active lifestyle.

To read the full article, grab a copy of Modern Parenting’s special Mother’s Day-Father’s Day 2023 Print Edition. It’s available on Or you can download the e-Magazine from Readly or Press Reader.

Aliza Apostol Goco, Camille Prats, and Bianca Santiago Reinoso

Getting started

Between Camille and her husband, they both do weight training and circuit training, while Camille mixes it up with Barre and Pilates. But ultimately, Camille believes it’s about setting the habit and the intention.

For Aliza, it’s all about sustainable fitness. “Try to do something you love. For me, I tried different workouts and it took a while. But eventually, when you get to do what you love doing, it’s sustainable for you. You just have to know what it is that you like so it doesn’t feel like ‘work’,” she shares.

Bianca also believes it’s about finding what you like and enjoying the process. “I started with Pilates, and I worked my way into spinning. That’s fun because it’s cardio, it’s like a dance party, so that was my release. Then during the pandemic, I discovered CrossFit. Now I’m into weight training–which is funny because five years ago, no one would’ve thought I’d be doing this.”

To read the full article, grab a copy of Modern Parenting’s special Mother’s Day-Father’s Day 2023 Print Edition. It’s available on Or you can download the e-Magazine from Readly or Press Reader.

More about self-care?

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