‘BBC Dad’ Robert E. Kelly Shares Update of His Grown-Up Kids
What happened to Prof. Robert E. Kelly after he went viral because of his kids and wife?
Remember the video where Robert E. Kelly, a university professor was interviewed, and his kids and wife went into his room that became the topic of the internet? Well, Robert, dubbed as ‘BBC Dad’ has given an update on his kids, six years after the video made them famous last March 14.
On Twitter, Robert shared photos of his wife Kim Jung, and kids Marion and James.
“Some BBC Dad content since the 6th anniversary of the original video was last Friday. Marion had a singing performance this past weekend, so we got some nice family pictures. Thanks again to all of you who follow me bc of the video. My family and I [are] flattered by your kindness,” he tweeted.

Several people on Twitter commented on his family, saying he has raised his kids well. Brandon Stanton of Humans of New York tweeted: “I do think it’s the best thing the internet has ever produced.”
ABC news reporter Jessica Black tweeted he was a “humbled hero” while Health and Science reporter Benjamin Ryan wrote: “I love your story because it gave everyone a chance to laugh at the craziness of family life.”

That famous video
On March 10, 2017, Robert became a trend on social media during his interview with the BBC on a topic about South Korea. His kids barged in followed by his wife to calm the situation.
The video now has close to 55 million views. BBC News’ caption stated: “There was an unexpected distraction for Professor Robert Kelly when he was being interviewed live on BBC News about South Korea. But he managed to keep his composure and complete the interview successfully.”
The video earned him the monicker “BBC Dad” which he has since embraced. In a statement on The Lowly Institute in 2018, Robert shared that many parents have written to them and shared their experiences of work-life balance.
“People wrote emails, called us, solicited us via social media, sent us gifts, and so on, and 99% of it was positive. Parents in particular saw themselves in our shoes, struggling to balance work and life,” he shared.
“I do a lot of my job from my home office, including most of my TV appearances. Many of the comments we received were from parents who had had similar experiences, such as locking themselves in the bathroom so their kids could not interrupt a radio interview.”
“These reactions were positive and empathetic. We were very moved by them,” he added.
Robert works as a professor at Pusan National University in Busan, South Korea where he teaches international relations.
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