5 Reasons Why Derek Ramsay Is Stepdad Material
While it’s only been a few months since Derek Ramsay and Ellen Adarna have made their relationship public, we love the blossoming relationship between Derek and Ellen’s son, Elias
Step parents have always had a bad rep — no thanks to certain Disney films — but all that’s changing. We’re glad to see more modern family setups; society has become more accepting, and we’re all for it. Which is why we got goosebumps when we first saw Derek Ramsay’s social media posts with not only his new beau, Ellen Adarna, but also with her son, Elias.
While the couple only recently celebrated their first monthsary, it’s no secret that Derek’s a fan of Elias, Ellen Adarna’s son with her former partner actor John Lloyd Cruz. In fact, his social media’s been filled with awww-inspiring moments of Ellen, Derek and Elias living their best lives. And to us, it looks like Derek’s more than ready to step up and be a great stepdad to Elias. Here are our faves…
Here’s why Derek Ramsay is stepdad material
1. He loves the outdoors
Derek Ramsay’s perpetual tan is a result of his love for the great outdoors. In fact, he recently posted a #buttfie after what looks like a hike or a trail run. And if you’ve been reading Modern Parenting, you’d know what a good thing being outdoors is for kids. So, yes, this is definitely a plus.
2. He knows his nursery rhymes
Most people forget their nursery rhymes by the time they hit their teens, and we love that Derek still remembers the lyrics to “Eensy weensy spider”. We’re totally waiting for the follow up video!
3. He loves animals
It’s been said that people who love animals are more empathetic than others. And when you’re raising a kid, you’ll need all the empathy you can get. Trust us, we know.
4. He’s affectionate
Cuddle time in the morning? Derek’s so game — and we love that about him. According to Ellen Adarna’s socials, Derek’s never been one to back down from a cuddle sesh.
5. He loves cars
Lucky Elias — he’ll get to drive Derek’s cars — once he turns 17 of course. Derek Ramsay is known to be quite the car aficionado. Apart from luxury cars, he also has sports cars and customized SUVs.
Derek’s already a father to 17 year old Austin, who lives with him. Although he admits his relationship with Austin is far from perfect, it doesn’t change the fact that he’s been nothing but warm and caring to Elias.
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