Real Talk

Gamer Dad-To-Be Dinocornel Asks The Real Question: How Do You Buy Baby Stuff?

Gamer dad Dino Cornel asks the real questions for probably every dad out there: how do you buy baby stuff?

What comes naturally to moms doesn’t hit that fast for dads. When moms have the nesting phase, dads usually just go with the flow. They just hand over the money and let Mom do the financial juggling. But that’s because they’re not sure how to navigate through the change either. They’re struggling and one dad, game content creator dad-to-be Dinocornel, posted the real question in his Facebook reel:

“How do you buy baby stuff!?”

Recently, Dinocornel, also known as Dino Roman on his Instagram, also revealed last March that the family’s new player 3 is a baby girl.

The legitimate question for many dads

“Bro, this is stressing me out! ‘Cause I’m like a noob (newbie) in the respective field,” Dino bares in a Facebook reel.

He’s not alone in his feelings. A lot of dads-to-be are usually scratching their heads on what things to buy, especially with the overwhelming amount of reviews on the internet. Dinocornel even adds how he believed that his being a gamer — someone who is meticulous and choosy with his equipment — would know how to pick something out.

“How do you even decide between a $100 stroller and a $1500 stroller? Bro, that range is insane! At least when I’m looking at a PC, laptops, and gadgets, I can grab the tech sheet and compare!” Dino shakes his head in the reel. “Bro, I can’t do that with a stroller. I don’t even know what I’m looking at!”

He points to the $1500 stroller. “Is this stroller the Alienware or the Razer of strollers?”

Alienware and Razer are popular brands among gamers when buying peripherals like headphones, mice, or even keyboards, and are usually quite expensive. But as TheUltimateNerd says, there are usually numbers to compare which one’s better so it’s usually straightforward. Unfortunately, baby stuff doesn’t have that kind of thing.

He also highlights a common instance that happens in the gaming community: shaming on buying either a pre-built or building a custom. However, Dino keeps it lighthearted with a joke, “Is that stroller going to have a 4090 in it?”

For those who are wondering, 4090 is short for a graphics processing unit (GPU) known as the NVidia RTX 4090 which is the latest model for computers. It’s meant for gamers who want to play video games that have high-definition graphics.

“The learning curve gonna be insane on this one!”

Some of his fans have already offered him some advice — both light-hearted and serious ones. Some bits of advice include, “Let your wife do the shopping. Whatever you pick or choose is wrong. The only right thing to do is to pay for it.” or “Kids will outgrow everything. I suggest getting something reliable but not overpriced.”

Another one shares another truth about the new parent reality, “Honestly, you’re going to buy stuff and never use it. Then you’ll buy stuff you never ever thought about. You’ll mess up and it’s ok.”

For the many dads-to-be who are asking the same question, there really is no one right way around it. It takes a lot of trial and error and no two babies are the same. What advice you might get from other moms and dads may not necessarily work with your kid. Kids, like gadgets and PCs, come with different specs, and only the parents know how to handle those specs the best!

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