Fun Filipino Christmas Party Games The Family Can Play
Here are five fun Filipino Christmas party games the family can play to commemorate the holidays!
What’s a Filipino Christmas party without games? At one point, sitting around, eating, and talking the night away does get a little dragging while celebrating Christmas Eve. So, you know what they say: time flies when we’re having fun! Make time for kids and the rest of the family flow faster with some of these fun Pinoy Christmas party games! You’d be surprised how much laughter people would get out of these!

5 Fun Filipino Christmas Party Games To Pass The Time
1. Pinoy Henyo: Christmas Edition
The traditional Pinoy Henyo game can have a Filipino Christmas edition twist by having people guess Christmas-themed practices, items, and even food! Add more fun by mixing it up with both Filipino and English terms. Then, watch as the family struggles, guesses, and comes up with all sorts of hilarious ideas that will turn into inside jokes for days to come! To age up the game, losers of the game will have to take a shot of alcohol!
2. Great Minds Think Alike
Funny how this party game popped up at a wedding but — it’s a fun couple’s game to play during Christmas. It’s a test of how well the couples know each other and they can’t discuss! They need to guess what their partner’s thinking, stand back to back so they can’t signal one another, and say their answer after 5 seconds to see if they have the same answer.
And to mix it up, the categories need to have a Filipino Christmas theme! It could be what one wanted for Christmas, what their favorite limited edition drink was this 2023, and more! The winning couple is the one who matched the most answers.
3. Christmas Taboo
Taboo is a game wherein the person needs to guess the word but their partner, who will be providing clues, cannot use certain words to help them figure it out. In the Filipino Christmas Party Game version, players will have to guess both Filipino and English terms and translations are not allowed! If the partner uses the unavailable word, they lose a point! The winning pair is the one with the most guessed words.
4. Name That Tune!
Test the family’s knowledge of both Filipino and English Christmas songs with the game Name That Tune! Since most of us have Spotify, we can use those to find the songs instead. Additional points will be given if the person who guesses the song can sing the next parts of the song! Besides, in the Philippines, singing is a big part of Christmas party games.
5. Choco Pong
More for the kids because instead of beer, we can use hot chocolate or chocolate milk. Using the same cup arrangement as the one in beer pong, fill the cups halfway with chocolate. The kids then will have to bounce the ball into the plastic cups and if it lands, the person owning the cups has to drink it. Make sure when officiating this game that both sides have a bowl of water to wash the ball in case it falls on the floor.

Make time fly faster with these fun Filipino Christmas party games!
Most families wait until Christmas Eve to open presents but kids do get restless. Keep their minds off the time and their smartphones by holding these fun Pinoy Christmas party games. To get them more interested, add a cash prize. Watch their eyes light up and put down their smartphones as they play for the winning pot.
Just remember: if someone is not up to playing, don’t push it! Give them a little time to warm up; they’ll come around.
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