We So Relate To Kylie Padilla’s Love-Hate Bond with Social Media
We totally understand your love-hate relationship with social media, Kylie!
Social media plays a big role in our lives, but unfortunately, it often leaves us vulnerable to the outspoken court of public opinion. And as someone who was traumatized by her “very public separation from her ex” but still needs it to communicate with friends and family, Kylie Padilla echoes what many of us moms want to say to social media. “Hello, social media. I just love my love-hate relationship with you,” Kylie candidly writes.
Don’t worry, mama, we can totally relate!

Social Media: An annoying necessity
We discourage our kids from too much screen time but often find ourselves victims to it, too. The instant responses to our posts on social media offer an easy avenue of both praise and criticism. There’s a certain joy we feel when people immediately “like” or “react positively” to our posts. However, there is also that itchy feeling of dread and anxiety when there are no reactions or people comment “walls of text” on our posts that appear to scold us, leaving us with a mental health battle that Kylie Padilla also confirms happens to her
“So, this is me lately fighting another bout of existential crisis. I am very open about my journey with my mental health and the fight goes on. Here on social media, you only see my highlight reel. But real life is different. Everyone is fighting a silent battle,” Kylie reminds.
Her post is a reminder that although we can’t see their face and therefore their reactions, they also can’t see ours. Communicating over the internet requires some eloquence because we don’t have the usual body language to show how we feel. And when we cannot write our explanations and feelings well, we may end up making their already unpleasant situation worse.

Be careful of what you say (post)!
Social media has both its pros and cons. On the pro side, social media allows us to connect with friends who live in other time zones. We can instantly message them instead of waiting for snail mail. But its major con is that some posts are public and free-for-all to comment on, which can cause major anxiety problems in the long run. The love-hate relationship Kylie Padilla has with social media is one many of us experience and wish that we didn’t have to deal with but do so anyway because of the benefits social media offers.
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