Nikko Ramos’ Birthday Letter To His Son Tyler Melts Hearts
Nikko Ramos reveals the inner workings of a dad’s mind while telling the story of his son, Tyler’s birth.
Most birth stories are told from the viewpoint of the mom, whether as a blow-by-blow perspective or the abridged version. But rarely do we hear the story from the dad who also has his own thoughts during the moment. Host Nikko Ramos, however, decides that’s how he’s going to celebrate Tyler’s second birthday: by recalling some epiphanies that dawned on him when his son was born.

“Toying Around With Words”
Love. Fear. Joy — these are words that Nikko Ramos admitted that he had been “carelessly toying around with,” until the night his son was born. But now he knows and associates it with the concrete moments that taught him those meanings. “You don’t know fear until you’re listening for beeps on a heartbeat monitor, hoping everything will be fine. You don’t know love until you see your son and your wife come through okay – perfect, beautiful carbon copies of each other. And you don’t know what it is to truly be joyful until you spend a full year listening to Hakuna Matata 100x every day,” he writes.
His words reveal the sea of emotions that dads go through. While moms conquer the adversity and pain of childbirth, dads stand on the side but not because they choose to. It is out of confusion, especially during the pandemic (Tyler’s a pandemic baby!); what can they do? “I witnessed the bravest, strongest person I know do the most incredible thing. It was one of the COVID spikes (I can’t even remember anymore) and all I could do was look through a glass window and pray they were okay. My wife, as she always does, conquered adversity and delivered. Literally,” he recalls.

Dads Have Their Own Experiences, Too!
The spectrum of emotions dads go through when they become first-time dads is a sea yet to be explored. A lot of times, these are memories and reflections that dads often prefer to keep close to their heart, rarely talking about it unless asked. But even without words, dads will find ways to show their love and appreciation, just like how Nikko Ramos celebrates both Bea and Tyler.
“What a journey it’s been for our little guy. I’m so proud of every little thing you do Goose. And to @beafabregas, this will always be your day, too. You’re the best and I can’t believe I get to share life with you both!”
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