Celebrate Mother’s Month with New Online Field Trips
Not all of us have the same idea for celebrating Mother’s Month. Some of us would prefer an online field trip to spice things up.
While some moms would prefer a slow Mother’s Month, we thought that maybe an online field trip would be a good change of pace. Before you became a mother, you had time for yourself. There was time to explore, to learn, and experiment with new things in hopes of finding a cool hobby. But now with your family, you’re probably thinking that it’s impossible to come up with a new hobby.
So, why don’t we try something different? Why don’t we travel around the world?
As far as the COVID-19 pandemic is concerned, we can’t go anywhere. But that doesn’t mean we can’t try finding something new. While YouTube is available, it’s annoying to deal with the ads that interrupt the video every 5 minutes. What about online classes? Online classes can be tiring because there are requirements you need to pass. But online field trips don’t and they’re the perfect way to spice up your Mother’s Month celebration.
Explore Argentina’s Wine World

To become a connossieur of wine takes time and practice. It takes time to learn about the different levels of sweetness, acidity, tannins, and body of a wine. We usually don’t drink too much wine especially since we need to stay sober for the kids. But for older kids, you can introduce drinking to them in a safe way by going on a trip to Argentina with Diego Somm to learn about the different kinds of wine.
Master two of Italy’s most beloved food: Ravioli and Gnocchi

Kids love pasta. They usually like Pinoy Spaghetti with Hotdogs, Bolognese, or Carbonara. But the problem is, they don’t have enough vegetables. So, how do you integrate vegetables into your pasta dishes? Asides from sneaking some diced carrots or mushrooms, Italians have two pasta dishes that can solve your problems: Ravioli and Gnocchi. Find out how the Italians prepare the vegetables in the most creative of culinary ways so that your kids won’t kick up a fuss.
Hunting for the Aurora Lights

Fireworks are cool and all but they can be harmful to our pets and the environment. Why not go for something a little more natural? The Aurora Borealis, otherwise known as the Northern Lights, is an all-natural light show that you can find in Reykjavík, Iceland. And if your kids are still on the high from watching the Disney movie Frozen 2 then, joining photographer Danny T. Kaze on the hunt for the Aurora Borealis will be an illuminating experience.
Online Fieldtrips brought to you by AirBnb
Cabin Fever is something that no mom should suffer on Mother’s Month. With the additional stress of housework, we want an exciting change of pace. For once, we don’t want to think about the dishes or any of the housework. Being a mom for us can also mean enjoying novel experiences with the family that makes you proud of being a mother.
Not really an adventurous mommy? Here are some ideas for a slow and relaxing Mother’s Month
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