Super Typhoons And What To Do
A typhoon has made landfall in the Philippines, and it has been categorized as a super typhoon as of this writing. Metro Manila is also placed under Signal No. 4. Here’s what we can do…
Expect strong winds and power outages
1. Charge all gadgets: cell phones, laptops, power banks and anything you use for communication. Keep them plugged in all day so they are fully charged in case power goes out. In case of a power outage, save your power banks for emergency use only.
2. Charge rechargeable batteries or replace batteries in your flashlights. Keep a lot of extras and buy candles for prolonged brownouts. Unplug all other appliances that are not in use.
3. If you have battery-operated radios or walkie-talkies, keep them handy in case power goes out and you need a news source or means to communicate.
4. If you have a lot of stock in your refrigerators and freezers, prepare backup for storage of frozen meats, dairy and other perishables. You can use coolers or plastic bins filled with ice.
5. If you have a generator, stock up on gasoline. Make sure you refill your LPG tanks and/or have spare tanks.
6. Fill up buckets of water in case water supply goes out. And of course, make sure you have adequate drinking water for your household, enough to last a few days.

Look around your house
It is still pretty calm in Metro Manila as we speak. It’s a good time to take a good look around the house and get some urgent things that you might need.
1. Take down Halloween decorations outside your home and dismantle all other makeshift structures such as tents, plastic swimming pools, portable basketball hoops, and things you normally leave outside for outdoor activities.
2. If you have outdoor furniture and appliances, make sure they are safe. It might be better to bring them indoors for now.
3. For all the plantitas and plantitos, bring your prized plants and greens inside your houses. If they are planted outside, make sure they are covered and reinforced.
4. Move your vehicles to a safe location — either inside your garage or somewhere away from falling trees, branches and live wires.
5. Secure and store all loose and unstable items in your patios, garages, etc. And clear out your clotheslines.
6. Reinforce anything unstable and unsteady by tying them down or placing hollow blocks or sand bags on top.
7. Make sure all windows are secure, shut and locked.
If you have pets or animals who stay outdoors, please bring them inside where they are safe.

Be accountable for one another
Just in case we lose all forms of communication, make sure you find a couple of people to buddy up with — people to stay in contact with in the event an emergency takes place (especially for those who live alone). They can be neighbors, friends, people nearby. It’s better to be safe than sorry, especially for those of us with families and children.
Lastly, stay indoors as much as possible, especially when the winds start to pick up. And find out where your nearest evacuation center is located.
Stay safe, everyone. Prayers up!
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