Modern Homemakers

5 Things You Need To Think About When Buying An Inverter Aircon

Especially since the Philippines is just sweltering hot, aircons are big need for us. Panasonic’s designed an inverter window-type aircon that not only cools things down but helps keep COVID out of the house.

Especially since the Philippines is just sweltering hot, aircons are big need for us. Panasonic’s designed an inverter window-type aircon that not only cools things down but with its state-of-the-art nanoeTM X technology helps keep COVID out of the house. Based on a study from TEXCell France, the technology stopped over 99.9% of COVID’s activity within a span of 2 hours.

Since we’re at home often and working, our aircons are probably working 24/7. They prevent us and our computers from burning up especially when our kids play video games or have their online classes. But not all aircons are the same. Sometimes, we have to buy Filtrete to keep the dirt out or to make life easier for our kids that have asthma. So before we go out aircon shopping, here’s some things to consider before getting an inverter aircon.

1. If it’s Window Type, Split Type, or Central-Type Inverter Aircon

Aircons do have types which means some types can be harder to maintain than others. Split-types often are built-in to the wall. It’s quite hard to remove and if something breaks, the mechanic will have to stay in the room where it is to have it fixed. Panasonic’s new inverter aircon is a Window Type which makes it easier to pull out of its slot if you need to have it deep cleaned. Being a window-type means there are fewer tubes to worry about and at times, the parts can be a bit cheaper.

2. Aircon’s Sophisticated Filter Systems?

Most aircons do have filters but it can be annoying to clean especially if we’re using an old toothbrush to get rid of all the hair, fur, dust, and other things out of it. But the filters have another function and it’s to keep microbes out. Airborne microbes that can trigger our family’s allergy or asthma attack‘s never a good thing to have especially during this pandemic. The Panasonic Premium WAC Inverter XU Series Window Type Aircon has an anti-bacterial filter that catches pollutants and the new technology known as nanoeTM X technology which is made to inhibit COVID and keep it out of the house, where it should be!

3. Is the repair shop nearby?

Nothing’s more annoying than finding out your aircon’s not working especially when you’re about to sleep at night. If it stops cooling, the compressor’s dead. If it doesn’t want to turn on, there’s probably a ground or something wrong with the motor. Either way, we’ll have to get it repaired especially if it’s in an activity room. The good news is that the Panasonic Premium WAC Inverter XU Series Window Type Aircon can easily be repaired since Panasonic’s commissioned a lot of repair shops to keep their inverter aircons in tip-top shape.

4. How new is the inverter aircon model?

If the aircon designs are still new like the Panasonic Premium WAC Inverter XU Series Window Type then, there will be parts available. But if the inverter aircon you have is around 5-10 years old, it’ll be a lot harder to find parts. It could take weeks or months especially if they’re having the piece shipped from the mother company or the main factory. Then, there’s also the shipment fee to worry about. If your aircon’s around 15+ years old and you’re spending more than you bought it for, maybe it’s time for an upgrade.

5. Is it something you’ll use 24/7?

The best part about having an inverter aircon is that it’s meant to run for long periods of time. Especially in the baby’s room where things have to be extra clean, the Panasonic Premium WAC Inverter XU Series Window Type will be pretty guilt-free running it 24/7 or at least for the next 8 hours. The built-in nanoeTM X device consumes only 25W so that we can enjoy its benefits 24 hours a day without worrying much about the electricity cost. This is made possible using the nanoeTM X feature that can be operated with or without cooling. Inverter aircons can control how cold or warm it would be by controlling the amount of energy that goes in and out to make sure everything works smoothly.

Upgrade your aircons into inverter aircons!

We’re not saying to throw out your trusty 20+-year-old Panasonic aircon if it’s still working. But, the moment it does — it’d be good to consider having a better aircon so it still has parts and you’ll spend less on electricity. The best part is that it fights COVID too with the new nanoeTM XTech to make what Panasonic promises: “A better life for a better world”. They’ll probably have these in your nearest appliance stores soon or you can just stay updated by checking out their website.

Looking for more ways to keep the home clean? Check out our other lists here!

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Clean, Disinfect and Sanitize Your Home Like A Pro
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