Face Shields are No Longer Required in Areas Under Alert Levels 1, 2, and 3
Face shields are no longer required and are now optional under Alert Levels 1, 2, and 3 while it’s still mandatory in areas under Alert Level 5.

In case you missed the news, Malacañang announced on Monday night, November 15, that face shields will no longer be required in areas under Alert Levels 1, 2, and 3. This includes Metro Manila.
Face Shield Not Required Under Alert Level 1, 2, and 3 But Still Required Under Alert Level 5
However, face shields are still mandatory in places under Alert Level 5 and those under modular lockdown.
The Local Government Units (LGUS) and private establishments, on the other hand, have the sole discretion to implement the face shield rule in areas under Alert Level 4.
The phasing out of face shields comes as the country steadily returns to its daily routine. Employees are slowly returning to work in the office. Meanwhile, selected schools will begin holding face-to-face classes for students in the Metro and parts of the country.
The news comes after several members of the COVID-19 task force (IATF) met last week with the majority agreeing to make the use of face shields voluntarily.

Practicing Social Distancing
Despite this, moms and dads should still take precaution—especially when bringing their kids out. Teach them to wear their masks properly and sanitize their hands often. Lastly, as much as possible, have them get the COVID-19 vaccine when available.
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