Moms and Dads

Hey Jude! Janella Salvador and Markus Paterson Welcome Their Baby Boy

Celebrity couple Janella Salvador and Markus Paterson welcome their baby to the world!

Singer and actress Janella Salvador shared photos of her adorable son Jude Trevor, on her Instagram account last Tuesday, January 7. The celebrity couple also shared a video, “Hey, Jude.” dedicated to their son on their YouTube account. “I was quite nervous about this day because I knew how harsh the world could be”, narrated Janella in the video. She also expressed that Jude is too precious not to share with the world. 

The vlog showed clips of Janella’s pregnancy journey — from visiting doctor appointments, finding out the baby’s gender, taking maternity shoots, giving birth and some messages from their family and friends.

Hey Jude! Meet Janella Salvador’s Baby Boy - Jude Trevor
Jude Trevor was born on October 20, 2020

In an interview, Janella said that her pregnancy wasn’t easy but she was grateful for having a supportive partner who was there with her throughout the journey. 

Hey Jude! Meet Janella Salvador’s Baby Boy - Jude with Markus Paterson
Jude with Markus Paterson

The actress also expressed that she wasn’t hiding her pregnancy because of selfish reasons but because she wanted to cherish every moment as a first time mother. Janella admits that she was hurt by the comments she received, especially to those people who said she wasn’t proud of her pregnancy.

Janella and Markus are staying in the United Kingdom but they plan to have baby Jude baptized in the Philippines.

Congratulations, Janella and Markus! Welcome to parenthood! 

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