
Liza Soberano’s Dad Defends Her Against Critics

Liza Soberano’s dad defends his daughter from the critics who are unhappy with the change.

People need to think twice about bullying a person because nobody knows if their parents will join the fray. Just like how celebrity mom Sylvia Sanchez jumped in to defend her son, Arjo, during his political run, Liza Soberano’s dad, John Castillo, now joins the fray to defend his daughter from the critics after the release of her vlog, “This Is Me.”

Liza Soberano: “This Is Me.”

Celebrity and internet darling Liza Soberano posted a vlog last February 26, 2023, about how she finally had time to slow down and be still. She was writing in a notebook while adding small clips of many portions of her life—including the ones where she successfully curated her persona as Liza Soberano. “I didn’t have a childhood nor a chance to grow into an adult on my own,” she admits.

The vlog earned mixed reactions, with many of the bashers calling her ungrateful. One even commented on her Instagram, “Lol! Be grateful iha to all who helped you achieve your dreams. Don’t burn bridges.” Others said she had no “utang na loob” towards the networks that she worked with.

As both critics and encouragements piled up, Liza Soberano’s dad, John Castillo, opened up in a TikTok video with entertainment reporter MJ Marfori. “Everybody is blowing things out of proportion! Try to sit back and understand why she said that.”

Liza’s vlog currently has 77,000 likes on YouTube with 7,135 comments — mixed with both negative and positive.

Let her Hope for a better and more balanced life

Liza Soberano has always been an entertainment and media darling, building a cult-like following. But it’s here we see how many have placed on the pedestal that any form of breaking out of it is immediately met with harsh backlash. But not for Liza’s dad who probably has witnessed more breakdowns, stress, and joys than the public has ever seen. After all, he’s probably more aware and supportive than anyone for her change from Liza to Hope Soberano.

More about parents defending their children or parents defending one another:

Sylvia Sanchez To Arjo’s Bashers: “Let’s Argue Face To Face”
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