This Website Helps Couples in Family Planning!
The Commission on Population and Development together with non-government organizations led by United States Agency for International Development launched a website that can help couples who are doing family planning.
Talking about family planning raises eyebrows and can be conscious for some couples. Some are lost as well when it comes to the methods that are available for them.
To help couples when it comes to family planning, the Commission on Population (POPCom) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) made a website,, that provides information on various birth control methods that couples may want to consider.

What information does the website provide?
The website, which is in Filipino, has information couples can check. These include family planning methods (pills, condoms, vasectomy) to family planning clinics they can go to for consultation and discussions.
The website also has questions answered by experts. Moreover, it contains stories from couples about the methods they’ve used such as IUD and vasectomy. Plus, it has a pop quiz that can help them determine the possible method that they can use.
Aside from the stories and queries, it has a link to resources that can give couples additional information they need as well.

The website can be a helpful tool!
With a continuing population growth in the Philippines, the website will be a big help to couples of how many children they want and the available methods they can use. It’s also an opportunity for them to check out the resources without feeling ashamed. Additionally, it is an opportunity for men and women to know that they have access to birth control methods that are safe until they are ready to have a child or stop with the number of kids they want.
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