Moms and Dads

5 Benefits of Cleaning for Your Health

There are a lot benefits of cleaning for your health. Here are the five benefits we can get from it.

We have been often told by our parents and elders to help out around the house. Simple things such as washing the dishes and mopping the floor are already helpful to our moms, who are often busy attending to running the house. If lucky, the kasambahay does it for you.

According to Dr. Caroline C. Aquino, who is from the Department of Pediatrics, Allergology, and Immunology Section of Makati Medical Center, a lot of people have their reasons for avoiding the chore.

“Everybody has their reasons for putting off the task of clearing drawers, closets, and entire rooms of junk,” Dr. Aquino said. “It’s exhausting, it takes so much time, and it never ends.”

But there are benefits of cleaning and decluttering one’s health. Here are five benefits why you should pick up that broom, mop, and rag to wipe all that dirt.

You breathe better

One of the benefits cleaning up does for your health is that it gives you clean air. Dr. Aquino says that wiping all the dust, arranging the shelves and space will make you realize all the space that could give you room to breathe.

“Purging your cabinets and closets of stuff you have not seen or that hasn’t moved from its place in years means getting rid of all the dust, pet dander, molds, mildew, and all possible allergens which accumulated in there,” she said.  “To avoid an allergy attack (itchy runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing, coughing), wear a facemask when you dust, scrub, and vacuum.”

Dr. Aquino recommends cleaning from top to bottom. She also recommends putting away clothes and things inside a storage box to avoid getting dust, sealing areas to avoid entry of cockroaches, and repairing leaks to reduce moisture at your home.

It’s an exercise

If you’re looking for a different type to move your body then cleaning can help says Dr. Maria Patricia Abes, a consultant for theDepartment of Pediatrics, Allergology, and Immunology Section of Makati Medical Center.

 “It uses muscles in the shoulders, arms, chest, abdomen, and legs to lift and move things around. Just make sure to bend from the knees—not your back—when you attempt to lift a heavy object from the ground,” she said.

You get good sleep

Cleaning can actually give you a good sleep after according to Dr. Abes.

“The effort you put into clearing out closets, segregating items to keep and give away, and scrubbing down dirt and stains is physically exhausting. An afternoon nap or good night’s sleep usually follows.”

benefits of cleaning for your health

Your mood improves

Seeing a cleanroom actually makes you feel better.

“The act of cleaning has a therapeutic effect,” says Dr. Abes. “Throwing out expired products and documents that are no longer relevant, and choosing to donate or sell items that you once refused to let go of can be liberating. Plus, seeing the clean and spacious area that you freed up after ridding it of things just waiting to be discarded or given away leaves you with a feeling of accomplishment.” 

You feel safe at home

Decluttering your home actually makes you feel safe because you can avoid accidents.

“Flammable materials like piles of old newspapers can make fires spread faster. Family members might also have trouble navigating their way around clutter and trip. One misstep and a senior could break a hip,” Dr. Abes said.

“In addition, regular cleaning is really a must for people with allergies since frequent dust exposure can worsen these. Make your health and family’s safety your motivations to finally face what you have been dodging for years and clean up!” 

Spark that Joy

It’s tempting to let the kasambahay or a cleaning service do the task for you to have a clean home. Sometimes though it’s best that you do the job because you are the best person to do it and easily look for the things you’ll need eventually. It also makes you move around the house and get that energy going. After all, you don’t want to feel sluggish all the time.

Check out more stories on cleaning your home!

Clean, Disinfect and Sanitize Your Home Like A Pro

5 Ways To Include Kids in the General Cleaning

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