
Mattel Introduces Barbie with Down Syndrome

In its bid to tell more stories through toys, Mattel announced on April 25 that they’ve launched a Barbie with Down Syndrome.

On its website, Lisa McKnight, Executive Vice President and Global Head of Barbie & Dolls, Mattel, said that the latest Barbie hopes to inspire more kids especially those with the condition.

“Our goal is to enable all children to see themselves in Barbie, while also encouraging children to play with dolls who do not look like themselves. Doll play outside of a child’s own lived experience can teach understanding and build a greater sense of empathy, leading to a more accepting world. We are proud to introduce a Barbie doll with Down syndrome to better reflect the world around us and further our commitment to celebrating inclusion through play,” she said.

Working with the National Down Syndrome Society

In order to craft the Barbie with Down Syndrome accurately, Mattel worked with the National Down Syndrome Society on its body, clothes, expression, and orthotics.

“It was an honor working with Barbie on the Barbie doll with Down syndrome,” said Kandi Pickard, NDSS President and CEO. “This means so much for our community, who for the first time, can play with a Barbie doll that looks like them. This Barbie serves as a reminder that we should never underestimate the power of representation. It is a huge step forward for inclusion and a moment that we are celebrating.”

The Barbie with Down Syndrome is the latest doll in its line that deviates from the traditional look. Mattel has previously launched Barbie dolls with a hearing aid, in a wheelchair, and several personalities such as Tina Turner, Vera Wang, and Laverne Cox.

It has also previously released a Ken doll with an artificial leg in the past.

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