
Change Your Child’s Life, One Book at a Time: Why Reading Is So Important

In honor of World Book Day, we’re here to help you nurture a love of reading in your kids!

It doesn’t matter if you aren’t the biggest bookworm, but passing on the love of reading to our kids is one of the best things you could do for their development! The more we encourage them to read, the stronger their relationship with the printed word will be. And this would undoubtedly benefit them beyond their school years, all the way into adult hood where they can read for business, knowledge or pleasure. The easiest way to do it? Reading to your kids every night!

So how do we get started in our reading journey?

Sure, our kids get a lot of reading done at school, but there’s a lot that your child can benefit from your nightly (or whenever you can, really) reading sessions. If you’re not really the reading type, don’t worry — these tips are easy peasy, we promise!

Start reading to kids early

Even at just a few months of age, a baby can see pictures and hear your voice. Point to pictures and tell your child what they’re looking at — this will help them when they start to talk! Check out Scarlet Snow; she’s already written her first book!

Find the right books

Got a curious toddler who can’t stop chewing everything? Check out our handy dandy guide to the best bedtime board books . We also love everything from Adarna Books (love local, y’all!) and Eric Carle’s Hungry Caterpillar series. Check out how much little Luna loves her book!

Make it a regular thing

On top of homeschooling, working from home and handling a gazillion Zoom calls, it might seem tough to make time to read. But here’s the thing — reading to kids only takes a few minutes! Think of it as a little bonding sesh. The more you make time for reading to the kids, the more your bub will be keen to understand just how important it is.

Lead by example

Kids love to copy their parents — whether it’s the things we say (watch those curse words, people!) or the things we eat. Which is why showing our kids that we’re interested in reading, too! Plus, it’s a great way to unwind too — and a chance to up our general knowledge!

Give in to “one more time, please!”

Kids love repetition, and chances are, if they enjoy the book you’ve read together, they’ll want to read it over and over again! As frustrating (and yes, boring) as it might be for you, take it as — at least they’re showing how much they love reading! Be patient, the rewards will be awesome!

There’s no doubt that books will help kids reach their fullest potential. It’s just up to us to guide them on their reading journey and encourage them every step of the way. Trust us, it gets easier! Especially when they start reading on their own…

Top image credit: @scarletsnowbelo

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