Moms and Dads

Vanna Garcia and Maoui David: Moms To Their Friends: “Get-Together, When?” 

Vanna Garcia and Maoui David confirm that the struggles are real for moms when planning get-togethers. 

This story about Vanna Garcia and Maoui David first came out in Modern Parenting’s special Mother’s Day-Father’s Day 2023 Print Edition available on

Moms never really lose friends when they enter parenthood — but meeting up for a get-together is another story. 

Unfortunately, that is the story that fashion vlogger moms Vanna Garcia Kaw and Maoui David Chua often deal within their 15-year friendship and with their other mom friends. Their schedules don’t always sync, to the point that it takes them nearly a month to lock down a date.

“Sometimes, we’re even multi-tasking when we go out,” Maoui shares. “And when we do manage a get-together, some of our other mom friends need to go home early because of mommy duties.”

To read the full article, grab a copy of Modern Parenting’s special Mother’s Day-Father’s Day 2023 Print Edition. It’s available on Or you can download the e-Magazine from Readly or Press Reader.

Readying the family

The first step to even planning a day out with the ladies means mentally and possibly physically preparing the family to last a day without mom. Sometimes, the entire ordeal can be anxiety-inducing, mostly when family members most especially young children get clingy. 

Yet moms like Vanna and Maoui claim that these day-outs are a much-needed time out from their daily routines. “I usually explain it to my family that it’s a form of self-care,” Vanna, a mom of three boys, explains. “It’s like a break from all the ruckus and craziness in the house, especially after giving them everything they need. I’d like them to get used to [the fact] that there’s nothing wrong with it.”

To read the full article, grab a copy of Modern Parenting’s special Mother’s Day-Father’s Day 2023 Print Edition. It’s available on Or you can download the e-Magazine from Readly or Press Reader.

Easing the Guilt

Many moms know the kind of guilt that eats at them when they try to do something for themselves. But both Vanna and Maoui offer a mantra that moms can repeat when those voices can’t be silenced. “Going out and having fun with friends doesn’t make you any less of a mom or any less of a wife,” they say.

Besides, motherhood prepares moms with the uncanny ability to multitask. Moms have the superpower as Maoui describes it—“split their brains.” “When we go out, our hearts and minds are half with our kids. We’re checking on them, making sure they’re okay.”

But what sometimes magnifies those inner voices is worrying about the “what-ifs” and if the kids will get anxious about getting left behind. Although it’s not easy to dismiss the worry, readily accepting support even from the household help allows Vanna and Maoui to enjoy with mom friends. “Knowing that they’re not alone at home makes me worry less,” Vanna admits. “But if it’s bringing them around or helping them get things done, I know I can trust my husband with that.”

To read the full article, grab a copy of Modern Parenting’s special Mother’s Day-Father’s Day 2023 Print Edition. It’s available on Or you can download the e-Magazine from Readly or Press Reader.

Filling one’s cup

Taking a break does wonders for any mom’s sanity. It helps them find something new to give their kids and husband when they come home. As both Vanna and Maoui agree, “You can’t pour from an empty cup.” Moms will never deny their children and families love, but how can they give anything when there’s little to give?

“As long as we return to our usual mommy mode when we get home then, going out shouldn’t be a bad thing,” Maoui recalls what Vanna once told her when they were hanging out.

It’s easy to get discouraged from planning a mom get-together when the inner voices nag at you. There will always be a constant mental power struggle about whether to find support from other moms or to soldier on alone in motherhood. But just like how Vanna is to Maoui and vice-versa, a good mom friend is all a mom needs to tip the power struggle onto the right side.

To read the full article, grab a copy of Modern Parenting’s special Mother’s Day-Father’s Day 2023 Print Edition. It’s available on Or you can download the e-Magazine from Readly or Press Reader.

More about moms, get-togethers, or building friendships?

Kelly Misa Fernandez and Bianca Santiago Reinoso: Why Parents Should Have A Support Group
How To Get Rid of Mom (or Dad) Guilt According To Dr. Lia Bernardo and Ria Trillo
Shamcey Supsup, Winwyn Marquez, and Francesca Taruc: Slaying as Queens and Moms

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