
Things To Do After Your COVID-19 Booster Shot

Here are things you can do after getting your COVID-19 booster shot.

Since COVID-19 booster shots are available for us parents now, we need to make sure it doesn’t bring us down and disrupt our daily lives. We’re the ones who keep the home running, the kitchen cooking, and homeschool is still in session! It’s a lot and boosters are known to have strong side effects especially if the vaccine you got prior’s quite mild. So, here are things we can do after getting our COVID-19 booster shot so our home doesn’t stop operating.

1. Take a shower right away!

Most vaccination sites are going to be COVID-19 hotspots since it’s crowded and possibly in a mall. Since malls are enclosed spaces, we’re more prone to catching COVID-19. Some malls may not open the aircon to lower the transmission, making it really stuffy inside. After getting your COVID-19 booster shot, nausea might set in so jump into the shower right away to alleviate the headache and to get clean too!

2. Self-imposed quarantine

A 2-day quarantine ought to do the trick. Since our immune system will be busy dealing with the booster, it’s best to keep ourselves inside. It’ll also prevent us from catching the virus ourselves. Although it’ll be a bit expensive since we’ll have to rely on online deliveries for a while, it’s what we can do to not contribute to the spread. Besides, not all of us are lucky to not feel the side effects of the COVID-19 booster shot. Some of us are going to feel bad body pains which aren’t good especially if we’re the ones driving.

3. Wear a mask even at home

We’re not sure what we brought back from the vaccination site. And especially if dad’s been the runner for a few days, he might bring something with him. Wearing a mask keeps COVID-19 away and double-layering your mask can lessen the burden on your immune system. The goal here is to keep your immune system focused on dealing with the dead virus material from the COVID-19 booster shot instead of it worrying about the virus itself attacking you.

4. Treat yourself like a COVID-19 patient

Although COVID-19 patients will have an additional prescription of Molnupiravir or Paxlovid, we’ll need some of the more symptom-alleviating medicines. There’s Biogesic for headaches, Tempra Forte for fevers, and other things to keep things at bay. This also means constantly changing our clothes and sending them to the wash. Think of it as keeping all the germs away so that your body can focus on memorizing the dead virus material in the COVID-19 booster shot.

5. Drink a lot of liquid

Whether it’s soup, tea, water, or coffee, drink a lot. Our bodies rely heavily on liquids to flush out all the dirt and toxins in our bodies. Soups are also easy to make especially when you’re just planning to have Hot Pot at home. Easy to store, easy to just throw whatever ingredients you want in it. Because we might feel sluggish from the COVID-19 booster shot, soup’s good for easy digestion since we don’t have to chew.

COVID-19 Booster Shots: The Road To An Endemic

COVID-19 booster shots are the first few steps we have to take to end the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s okay to be scared of the side effects but we have to understand that they have a very low chance of happening. Some of us who have other diseases can still consult our doctors before getting it. But if we’re going to have any chance of returning to our normal lives and not have another Lockdown Season X, COVID-19 booster shots are the way to go.

Looking for more COVID-19 news? Here’s more!

COVID-19 Vaccine Approved For 5-11-year-old Kids!
Iya Villania Tells Parents to ‘Prepare for Battle’ Following Her Sons Testing Positive for COVID-19
“Kapit Lang”: More Filipino Celebrities Share their COVID-19 Experience

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